The south side of the gorge is now clothed in trees. 现在峡谷的南边已长满树木。
The enemy was looping around the south side 敌人正从南侧包抄过来。
The house has two windows on the South side. 房子朝南的一面有两个窗户。
If there's a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to me, even if it's not my child. 如果有一个芝加哥南部的小孩不能上学读书,即使不是我的孩子,我忐忑不安。
They filled the stairs leading up the south side of the White House, spilling over onto adjacent balconies. 运动员们站满了通往白宫南面的阶梯,并且延伸到附近的阳台上。
The first lady talked Wednesday about growing up on Chicago's South Side. 第一夫人谈到了在芝加哥南部的成长。
A group of boys on the south side of Chicago in a Depression-era photo. 经济大萧条时期,芝加哥南部的男孩。
It should be located on the south side of the unit. 应位于单元的南边。
But the best education I ever got was working as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago. 但我得到的最好的教育是在芝加哥南部作为社区组织者的时候。
I thought that moss grew on the south side of trees. 我认为苔藓长在树木的向南一侧。
It's got to be on the south side of the building. 应该开在建筑物的南边。
The piedmont alluvial fans widespread on the east side of Xishan and the south side of Beishan. 北京西山东麓和北山南麓广泛分布着山麓洪积扇地形。
I found that there was a Yamaha shop on the south side of town, past the airstrip. 我发现,有雅马哈店南侧镇,过去的简易机场。
The main living areas are placed on the south side for maximum exposure to sunlight. 主要居住面积都在南面以便尽可能多地利用阳光的照射。
The south side of the church is elaborate, decorated with fine stone carvings. 教堂的南面装饰着精细的石刻,十分精巧。
Already a dense mass of people was blocking the south side of the square. 密密匝匝的人群,早已把广场的南边拥了个水泄不通。
The right bank of the Thames River is on the south side because the river flows east. 泰晤士河右岸位于那边,因为这条河是往东流的。
The South Side of Chicago is where many black people live. 芝加哥市南部是许多黑人居住的地方。
It's on the south side of Changan Avenue. 在长安大街的南侧。
Michelle had been friends with Jackson's daughter, Jacqueline, while they grew up on Chicago's South Side. 米歇尔和杰克逊的女儿杰奎琳是朋友,他们在芝加哥南区一起长大。
Scotland; located in the Lothian Region on the south side of the Firth of Forth. 苏格兰首府;位于洛锡安区福斯湾南面。
The bladed corners to the south side of the west crescent turret breaks the monotony and tedium, and brings about a strong visual impact and mental shock. 西侧月牙状塔楼南北两侧的刀丸状建筑角部,打破了圆柱体的单调和乏味,产生出强烈的视觉冲击和心理震撼。
He placed five of the stands on the south side of the temple and five on the north. 五个安在殿门的右边,五个放在殿门的左边。
LF you're on the south side of town, go north. 如果您在小镇的南部,请往北部去。
You gonna have to not let your south side girls down right now. 你将可以保护你那些城南女孩了。
South side with Wenchang, Ding'an County borders on, west side is next Chengmai County. 南面与文昌市、定安县接壤,西面邻接澄迈县。
He placed the Sea on the south side, at the southeast corner of the temple. 又将海放在殿门的右旁,就是南边。
The south side still holds the old city walls and fortifications. 南边的陆地上矗立着旧城区的城墙和防御工事。
Odd-numbered buildings are on the south side of the street. 单号建筑在街南边。